Friday, July 8, 2016

Technology and Education

Education and Technology : We want to live in peace and prosperity. We want to get more happiness by short Labor and a short time. Others jealous of our happiness are so much to see. So everyone tries to survive better than others want to be imitation. He began teaching at the Webster will accept anything. Thus, the people learned to enjoy each other more than happiness. This is the normal rule. In the beginning of the creation of man or any creature in its own way, good or bad as it could not be realized. Standing intimacy a creature of civilization, and began to learn slowly. People started to think of innovation. A new sound technology to add to the development of living is life. People accept or reject the opinions of others previously used for different purposes. It is the oldest human ideas. Biological and physical needs of his animals did not have to move much. They were used to need their articles where was got. An evolution of the nomadic life began to collect food. Thus, obtaining food / gigs began to live elsewhere. When their food collection facilities and convenient as it is in other places. Food permanent home for the collection, they would zoom in on the sloping land cultivation methods began. Living next to the remaining part of their diet, and from there took the seeds used to collect food. For this reason, they began to live in a permanent way. They knew how to do farming. They were dependent on the nature. At that time, did not find any equipment for cultivation. At first they used to cultivate the land by a narrow stone tied around his neck by rope. He started planting them in accord with various creatures. They ate cooked food using sunlight. Wildfire during the dry branches of fire and stone weapons, they learn to find the fire. Primitive man was naked. They bark at different animals hair creams and skin of the animals used for the prevention shame. Later, they learned to use cotton cloth. Thus, people gradually learned to make himself apart from nature. Thus they discovered the technology is on the move. The use of technology for their own use, but they did not know they had it made. At present time, a lot of things associated with their products, as we are using technology. By taking all things ,We could not proper used to it. Because, we have no any greedy that more deal . But our demand is very high. Therefore, use of technology and comprehensive. Firstly, people are taught to the environment. Then they slowly made sense to utilize different things according to good his choice. Thus, access to technology, and technology, people began to increase their demand. As a result, Chemical product by chemists to discover some of the basic material s, especially since changes in our life. Metals germanium and cesium was discovered in the late one hundred technology introduces a new chapter. It is widely used in the power. The technology is so electrical food. This technology can be used easily in a variety of human invention. Therefore, education is a biological process. No creature of his environment in which to work or received from others in their use.


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